about the poppy girl

Kristin Campbell
(262) 844-4109
Who I am…
My name is Kristin Campbell and I’m here to make your home flourish with greenery and functional and fun design. My husband and I ran Cedar Hill Design House and Consultancy for many years. But life has a way of changing things, and in 2020, my life as I knew it fell apart. I found myself a widow and a young mother needing to begin anew.
Plants grew into a shelter in the storm as I coped with changes I did not choose or prepare for. As my plants flourished, so did I. I learned I may not have had control over my husband’s illness and death, but I had control over nurturing my plants. As I healed, I discovered a desire to cultivate and connect my love of plants with interior design.
The Poppy Girl is an endeavor meant to impact others’ lives in a purposeful way. I named the business for our angel baby; a daughter we had planned to name Poppy, a name that symbolizes peace, sleep and love. These are all factors that inform my interior designs. I want to collaborate with you to create harmonious and peaceful living spaces.
What I do…
I believe the spaces in your home should make you feel safe, happy and healthy. Your interiors should provide calm in chaos and be an oasis in the deserts of life. Interior spaces also should be functional, versatile and connect with your lifestyle. I seek to produce holistic designs that connect interiors with the wellness of your mind, body, and soul.
How I do it…
My process starts with a discovery consult where I get to know you. This initial meeting takes an hour or two. Next, I will prepare a proposal and submit it for approval. Once you feel happy with what’s planned, we get started.
Why Plants…
I integrate plants into most designs, while meeting every homeowner’s aesthetic desires and maintenance needs. Besides for being beautiful, plants can boost wellness, reduce stress, clean the air, improve breathing, and heal the soul. Plants in the home produce a pleasant and tranquil environment to work, relax and live.
Let’s Connect
Make The Poppy Girl the place where your plantscaping and design connect.